Friday, 14 September 2012

Ah la vie parisienne

As you've probably guessed from the title, I am back in Paris!

After a hard month slaving away doing my CELTA course, I am an official English teacher, YIPEE! However, after two weeks of being in Paris, the job hunt continues. Despite being offered some reasonable hours in June during Skype interviews, the face-to-face interview in Paris didn't deliver the hours I'd hoped for.
So Plan B was put into place and I'm currently a babysitter/Egnlish tutor, which is going to pay my monthly rent and travel for the time being....not so bad after all.

I had my 5th interview this morning to be an English teacher. All interviews have gone well, but as with everything in France, I'm waiting impatiently for a response to find out possible contracts and hours. The French are clearly still in post-holiday mode!

I'm trying not to be too impatient but spending my days lolling around waiting for my evening slots of babysitting is nothing short of frustrating.

Let's keep the fingers crossed for some progress next week!
