Friday, 6 July 2012

Back (for good)'s certainly been a while since my last blog.
What can I say, I've been in the final semester of final year hell.
But fear not, I'm back (for good, as Take That said). Uni is finished and I almost officially have a university degree with graduation in less than two week....hallelujah!!
But now, rather than being inlanguagelimbo, I'm inlifelimbo. After finishing uni, I pretty much increased my hours at work and have been working like a dog ever since, but hey ho, we all need the pennies especially as I'll be jetting back off to Paris at the end of August. Yes, you read correctly, I'm returning to my love, she's expensive but worth every penny. I'll be doing my CELTA teaching course in August back in the pool of life (Liverpool) then heading over afterwards.
I'm so excited but also a bit nervous and anxious as this time as I'll have a proper job and proper responsibilities as a teacher. WAHHH!
Ok, I'm more excited than anything. I'll have my old apartment back which I'll be sharing with my friend Lauren who was on her year abroad in Paris with me back in 2010.
I guess it's going to be a whole new experience though this time around as we'll actually have adult jobs and never have to leave. (unless the French authorities tell us to) YAYYY!

This is why I'm in limbo, I'm not a student, not a graduate and not full-time employed. Sounds like an Alanis Morissette song to me. This in-betweeny stage is weird. Plus this grim weather is not bringing me the beautiful Sheffield summer days I so wished for. Instead, since the day I finished exams, the heavens have not closed! Thanks, Mother Nature!

I'm praying for a little sunshine, as you should too, for my graduation on the 16th. Nobody pulls off the wet dog look do they?!