Monday, 24 January 2011

Shit me, Im a sensitive soul today

My name is Emma and Im major in-limbo ponderer.

Its better to love and get hurt than to never love at all.

We've all experienced heart-break and if you haven't, then you're a lucky soul!
Heart-break, it can happen after a rough or even not so rough relationship break-up, missing the one you love, having to leave a loved one or even realising you can have what you want to happen with a certain person.

But this is not my point of discussion, what is, is that I believe, and you do not have to agree, is that if you don't try or throw yourself into it, then how can you ever know 'what if' or 'waht might have happened' and learn from the experience.
Of course everyone has at least one experience of going out with an idiot or simply a person who is not right for you, but it is definately all part of the learning curve, because these idiots make us realise that the nice ones are in fact NICE ones.

Love is pain, love is joy.
But if you don't let it in, how will you know?

Friday, 7 January 2011

Life motto

Ne rêve pas ta vie, vis tes rêves

Monday, 3 January 2011

The blog of all blogs: The male comparison : France V England

In July, before leaving the pool of life (liverpool) for the city of lights (Paris), my cousin jokingly said that I should base my Year Abroad project on comparing French men to the English, which at the time I laughed off, but now that is exactly what I am going to attempt to do..... Wish me luck!

Before France, I was never “I would love to marry a Frenchman” kind of girl, to be honest, they were just never my cup of PG Tips, therefore I was shocked to admit that near enough every day in Paris I “fell in love”, be it in the street or on the metro.

To be fair, Paris is full of beautiful people of all nationalities and races, so even if you’ve had a hellish day in work, somebody’s beautiful face can just make it a little bit better...

This aside, the crunch time... What are the differences about the men in France and England. But please take it with a pinch of salt as not ALL men in France act the same, and the same can be said for English guys too.

The big debate : Relationships in France

Les Francais , les romantiques?

So i’ve whittled my debate/analysis on two main areas of men behaviour, behaviour in clubs when attempting to pull and relationship behaviour.

Pulling behaviour

French men are forward, FACT. In a bar or on the street, they see no harm in a flirt or even a face rape. I have had the unfortunate luck of experiencing the particular act of facial rape which ok, is an over-exaggeration; however, this still involves the forceful measure of a guy attacking your face with his lips WITHOUT consent. Not fun. This has happened twiced, and twice I have explained my utter disgust and anger to the two said ‘mecs’.

One very interesting fact for those single ladies/men out there, if you need a cheap night out, it is possible to worm your way in with a guy in a bar and gladly receive free drinks all night. Tested and proven by various friends of mine!

Relationship behaviour

This is the BIGGY!

The French society loves relationships, a good majority of people are in relationships, the infamous english single life just doesn't exist!

The most remarkable thing I found was the quickness into relationships! I've known people who have been on two dates and the guy has popped the question "Do you want to go out?"

So why:

1) why is everyone in relationships?

Another thing Ive noticed is the dependance that girlfriends have on their boyfriends and the male dominance in many relationships ,STILL in 2011. Also, French guys have actually told me that a guy can cheat on a new girlfriend and its not seen as a big deal and it's just 'normal' and accepted HOWEVER, no way Jose can a girl do the same!! What year is it again?

But it has to be said, France has been and possibly may be seen for a long time as the country of infidelity and mistresses...

2)why the quick "let's go out"?

Maybe this links back to the previous question, and its just the way society works. People like to be in relationships, maybe as security or is France really the country of romantics?

My mate split up with her boyfriend whilst in France and then suddenly found herself surrounded by all her guy mates declaring their undying love for her! maybe just trying their luck??

But then sometimes I think to myself, maybe French guys aren't afraid to take risk, whereas english guys know that asking a girl out is seen as a big commitment. Or do we return to the infidelity issue and they are not afraid to commit because in fact, they don't initially see themselves as truely commited.

However, these are all big generalisations of French men, but I certainly have evidence to back this up!

So the perfect man???

Personally, the perfect man would be imperfect as if I didn't find an imperfection, that would seriously worry me, we all have ou faults, big or small.

My criteria:




Ambitious : they must have aims and ambitions of what they want to go in life.

A good eclectic music taste

A bit of a babe, well we all like a nice face don't we

And just generally a nice guy with good morals?

It'd say that's pretty fair, no?

Well this is just my opinion.....