Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Inpromptu telephone interviews

So the story so far....As part of my course i've got my year abroad starting in september.
My nazi university tries to force every student to spend their time at university in France and in my case France and Spain. So not only is there this big pressure but also lack of information on doing anything else or even how to go about it.
The thing is, that by going to uni you're bound to just stick around with international students and not speak to as much french people, the whole point if being there.
so anyway, i decided to work in France, well Paris, and to go to Peru in South America for my spanish part. (i do french and spanish)

But now its the french work placement i'm worrying about.
I emailed god knows how many companys to which i did receive a lot of polite 'sorry we can't help' replies. But one company offered me a phone interview, YES IN FRENCH= SCARYYYY! but it went ok, it was with a marketing company in Paris. Then to my suprise they offered me an interview in London. I went to it (in peak snowy january btw) and it went alright, but aware that i have no marketing experience.
So they said they'd get in touch in 2 weeks, but 4 weeks had passed and no news...eeek!
I sent them a nice little email asking them for feedback etc so last week I had a missed call from them.

So this set the scene for this afternoon, I gave them a call but the person I had to speak to wasn't there, but third time lucky she was. BUT then this inpromptu phone interview began, totally unprepared!! oh shit was my exact thoughts.
It went ok, but jesus christ, how many interviews do I have to have to get a job, or even be rejected?! she was nice and should get back to me 'tres rapidement' so here I am again....waiting and waiting.

Please give me a job France, I love you and your language....haha, maybe that would work?
So fingers crossed now. I've got a french mate i can live with in Paris too, I've even been to the flat!

Whatever happens, happens for a reason.
This prolonged anxiety is killing me! (ok melodramatic, but it's annoying!)


Monday, 22 February 2010

Love: a big taboo?

Ok, so love...

We all think when we're younger, oh i'll fall in love, get married, have kids etc etc
But really when it gets down to it were all either too scared to take the plunge or too scared to actually proclaim it.


Isn't that a difficult question. Not only that, but is it love, lust, or just a need of companionship?

I'm a great believer in living for the moment and taking life in your own hands because basically why not?
People come in and out of your life but maybe we should make the most of who/what we have. Love is a beautiful thing whether it is in the form of friendship (perhaps the best love we can have), family or a significant other.
What we need to realise is that we must live for now, for today, and tell those we love that we do because at the end of the day, we will regret not saying those three little words that mean the most in the world. Not fearing the 'what if's' or 'what if they don't feel the same', if that's the case, FUCK THEM and move on and upwards.

Love yourself. Love the people who surround you. Love life
Because i do!

Getting started

Ok, so I'm not a typical blogger or the craziest social networking freak but I've been kinda influenced to start some talking. Being honest though, I can really talk for england so beware!
I'm just gonna use this as a bit of a chat and reflection, I don't even know why but let the blogging commence i guess....